When it comes to addiction, the addicted person is often in denial. In fact, the addict is the last person to realize the addiction.
Thankfully, there are certain psychological signs that you can look out for, such as:
1- To prove people wrong, many addicts stay determined not to use the substance but fail to do so because of how painful and uncomfortable the withdrawal is. If you have noticed this pattern with yourself, there is no doubt that you need to check in at an addiction rehab in Michigan for relevant substance abuse treatment.
2- Do you continue to abuse substances or alcohol even after realizing that it is hurting your body from within? That is a clear sign you have an addiction.
3- Do you often find yourself using substances or alcohol to handle an emotional and stressful situation? For instance, you drink alcohol to drive away problems and use cocaine to elevate your mood suggests that you are addicted.
4- Once the body gets used to a particular substance, its tolerance rate increases. This often leads to an increase in dose. If you notice yourself consuming more alcohol or sniffing more cocaine, you are addicted.
5- Engaging in risky behaviours to acquire substances or stressing over how to acquire the next dose are also signs of addiction.
Wrapping up
Are you often told by your loved ones that you need to check in at an addiction rehab in Michigan? Check for the signs listed above to be sure and get treated at Holy Cross Service to prevent things from getting worse!
For more details about Family Healing in Michigan please visit our website: holycrossservices.org