Thursday, 21 January 2021

How To Talk To Children About Drug And Substance Use?

As a parent or as a teacher, it is vital that you talk to the children about the dangers of addiction and prevention method. Because when it comes to substance abuse, prevention is always better than cure. 

In fact, when your child or the student has the knowledge, he/she may think twice before getting involved with the wrong crowd. But, talking about drugs isn’t easy; it can be tricky. 

So, here are a few tips you can follow.

1- Don’t be judgmental:

You may be the one who the child or student feels comfortable with. So, avoid reacting harshly or judging them. Be quick to listen but stay slow while responding. 

2- Be honest:

It is better, to be honest to the child. Let him/her know about the general effects that come with long-term substance use. Talk to him/her about physical changes, relationship problems and financial difficulties caused due to addiction.  

3- Be realistic:

Not everyone who starts using drugs or alcohol has the intention of being an addict. So, let the child or student know that even a single instance of experimenting can negatively hurt the lives. 

4- Take help from education resources:

If you find it difficult, then use educational resources that are designed for teaching the children and students about addiction. 

Over to you

While educating the kids about substance abuse and drug, you must also inform them about Substance abuse treatment in Michigan. This is because a lot of kids struggle to seek help due to peer pressure. 

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